Learn About The DeSo Blockchain

Decentralized Social is empowering an internet that’s creator-led, user owned, and open to millions of developers around the world to build off one another.

  • Introduction to DeSo

    Edited Video Transcription Below

    Social media is broken.

    All of the content we see and the data we share online is owned and controlled by a handful of billionaires.

    These billionaires and mega corporations have all of the power while users get the short end of the stick.

    But luckily there is a solution to this growing problem.

    Let's discuss:

    1. The current issues with social media
    2. How web3 changes the way we use social media, and...
    3. How DeSo was built from the ground up to solve all of these issues.

    We'll also see how you can start using decentralized social media TODAY thanks to the hundreds of applications already running on the DeSo blockchain.

    The Problem with Web2 Social Media

    Social media has some wonderful aspects. It allows us to connect with old friends, easily create new relationships and reach a far greater audience than was ever possible before.

    But it also has 3 significant issues.

    1) First is centralization.

    Imagine a world where the only restaurants are Mcdonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's.

    Imagine these corporations had full control over the food supply (content), and as a result, they decide what we're all going to eat (moderation policy).

    That is not a world that we would want to live in.

    But unfortunately, this is web2 social media today.

    There are really only 3-5 players in the social media space that control essentially everything we see and consume online.

    This leads to just a handful of people that control the communication infrastructure for the entire internet.

    2) Second is the ad-driven business model.

    The current web2 social media companies such as Twitter utilize an ad-driven business model, which consists of the following:

    • Users generate content on Twitter.
    • Users browse content through Twitter's app.
    • Twitter generates revenue by showing ads to users browsing content on its app.
    • Twitter doesn't let anyone else run an app or a feed off of its content (because it can't show ads effectively on apps it doesn't control).

    This means that Twitter needs to maintain exclusive access to its content in order for this business model to work.

    These social media giants must monopolize and centralize their content and their app experience in order to make money. This results in a watered-down experience for the user.

    3) The third and final issue is a lack of ownership.

    On web2 social media platforms, you have no ownership.

    Any time you create a new tweet, add a new friend on Facebook, or post a comment on a youtube video, all of that belongs solely to these corporations.

    You are not able to port your content from one platform to another and if you are ever banned or suspended, your profile and content is gone forever.

    Companies like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok own your social graph.

    Social Media in Web3

    Luckily web3 offers a solution to all of the issues we just discussed.

    Decentralized social media allows you to own your social graph, offers an alternative to the ads-driven business model, and gives the power back to the users rather than the platforms themselves.

    But if decentralized social media wants to scale and onboard billions of users in the same way web2 social media has, blockchains need to be built specifically for this reason.

    Most of the general-purpose blockchains used today are built to power financial applications. And they are very good at it.

    But social media applications are storage-heavy. A social media app needs to allow likes, follows, text posts, pictures, and videos to be uploaded in order to be successful.

    And the most popular blockchains in web3 simply can't support that.

    We can see here that in order to store 1 gigabyte of on-chain data to blockchains such as Cardano, Avalanche, Solana, and Ethereum, it costs literally hundreds of thousands or even MILLIONS of dollars.

    This is simply unsustainable and web3 social media can NOT be built on these blockchains.

    This is where DeSo comes into play.

    What is DeSo?

    DeSo is the first layer-1 blockchain custom-built to decentralize and scale social applications to billions of users.

    With DeSo you truly own your social graph. Every piece of data that is posted on the DeSo network is stored on-chain and is owned by the users.

    It is also incredibly easy to port your social graph, content, NFTs, and coins between applications built on DeSo.

    There are over 100 apps available on DeSo. These range from social media and NFT projects, to commerce and music. You can find the full list of applications on DeSo List.

    DeSo For Creators

    As a creator, DeSo is the best place to build an audience.

    In web2, creators are forced to build an audience on every platform separately because it is not possible to port your Twitter following over to Facebook or Instagram and vice versa.

    With DeSo, you just have to build an audience once. Because your audience is portable, you are able to better scale and monetize your following.

    If you are interested in creating on DeSo there are a number of ways to make money:

    • Post to earn on Diamond
    • Your audience can buy your social token
    • Start a project and fund your content creation or next big idea on Openfund
    • Launch an NFT project with NFTz

    The possibilities are endless with new DeSo applications being built on a regular basis.

    DeSo For Developers

    And building on DeSo is easier than ever. You can create a new application and have it up and running on the DeSo blockchain in a matter of days.

    You can build the web3 version of Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, or even an entirely new experience that only a blockchain can enable.

    You can also launch a project to fund your next application or help raise awareness.

    The reality is you can build any web2 project but with money-native features designed for web3 through the power of DeSo.

    You can check out the DeSo developer hub here to get started building the future of decentralized social!

    How to Use DeSo Today

    If you want to get started with DeSo today, you should head over to deso.com to check out everything that DeSo has to offer.

    Every person that joins the DeSo network gets a "DeSo identity". Similar to Metamask on Ethereum, your DeSo identity allows you to log in to ANY app built on the DeSo ecosystem, and bring your profile, followers, content, and funds with you.

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